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My first Young Adult Science Fiction novel, “Beyond Tomorrow’s Sun,” is now available for purchase. A young boy flees a desperate situation and finds a new home, a new family and epic interplanetary adventure. While this is written for the young adult audience, there’s plenty in it for New Adult and Adult readers. (In fact, so far, most readers have been adult readers). The sequel, “Beyond the Rivers of Time,” is now in final edit stage and should be released late Spring/ early Summer.

Also available now, “Nightmares & Lullabies,” my first short story collection, At times moving, mischievous, and reflective, much of the work is centered on the gay experience at varying life stages. From the surreal to the sublime, the stories in Nightmares & Lullabies are fearless, unapologetic, and rife with moral ambiguity. My second collection, “Pax Liminalis” (title subject to change) will be a special volume – fewer stories, less thematic, and this time illustrated by the amazing Martin Solís. If all goes to plan, it will have English and Spanish versions of the stories in the same volume. Martin did the cover art (the screaming rose) for the first collection, and has created something special for this collection as well. I can’t wait to share this one. Publication is planned for Summer 2025.

I’ve also completed the revised draft of “Oculus 12,” a sci-fi epic set on a post-dystopian Earth, a millennia after the collapse of civilization. Time to let it perk for a while, then do another rewrite. This is derived from a screenplay I wrote (TV Pilot) a few years ago. The script placed in a couple of contests, but never went anywhere. Plus, every revision I made to it seemed to make it worse, so I got back to the core story, wrote a couple of drafts, then let it sit while I finished “Beyond Tomorrow’s Sun” and “Beyond the Rivers of Time.” I’m hopeful to have this ready for publication in late 2026.

And, after several delays, I’ve begun work on a crime novel, currently titled “The Texican,” about a young man who, after making a deal to avoid prosecution for a drug arrest, becomes involved with the one of the leaders of a Mexican drug cartel, in an effort to help the DEA apprehend a doctor wanted for murder. This story is inspired by actual events. I expect this to be published no sooner than the end of 2025, probably more like Spring 2026. We shall see.

Finally, I’ve begun outlining the next novel in the Beyond series. I don’t usually outline, but with two books ahead of it, I’ll need the extra documentation to keep up with all the storylines and plot twists. This series also has two spinoffs in the works – “Grace” about the Pirate Queen of Jupiter, and “Mulzac,” the early life story of the hero of the Marauder Wars.

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